Delete My Account
If you're having trouble with your account, we might be able to help you with your account. Visit Contact Support and select "Delete Account" with the associated email address of the account you want to delete.
If you want to delete your account, you can follow the next steps. We definitely don't want to see you go, but hopefully you'll return in the future.
How to delete your Aphid account
To delete your account in the Aphid mobile app
Click the Settings ⚙️ button on the bottom navigation menu
Scroll down to '"Help"
Tap 'Delete Account'
Follow the steps to delete your account
To delete your account if you’re on the web...
Go to the Control Panel and type in the email addresss and password for the account you want to delete.
Once your account is deleted, it will first be deactivated for 14 days. While your account is deactivated, your clones will not be operating in the network.
After the 14 day period, your account will be permanently deleted. This means that your aphID, account, account settings, device data, and location data in our user database will be deleted.
We may retain some personal data for certain legal, security, and business needs. For example, we’ll retain information about any purchases you may have made through Aphid, and when you accepted our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
How to reactivate your Snapchat account
If you want to reactivate your account? Log back in to the Aphid mobile app or web app with your account credentials 14 days of deactivating your account.
While your account is deactivated, you can only log in with your email address and password. If your account was created with a third party such as Facebook, Apple, or Google, log in with those account credentials. You can’t can’t change your password.
Please Note: It can sometimes take 24 hours before a deactivated account can be reactivated.